Visa Refusals – How To MAXIMIZE Chances of Success

In this article, we shall review a few complaints from individuals, seeking professional assistance, because their applications were refused once or twice.

Let’s look at a few scenarios: Note: the following cases were reported by individuals who applied for visa by themselves – without the help of a licensed immigration professional.

Situation A: Study Visa Refusal: A student obtained Admission Letter from an accredited Canadian school, paid the tuition and accommodation fees, and submitted some bank statements. But was still denied visa…

Situation B: Visitor Visa Refusal: A self-employed business man received a refusal despite the fact that his visa application included a return flight ticket, paid hotel reservation, signed invitation from a Canadian host; evidence of sufficient fund, etc.

Situation C: Work Visa Refusal: A work visa application with a duly signed Job Contract from a Canadian employer was denied by the officer stating that he was NOT satisfied that the applicant would depart Canada at the end of his authorized stay…

Situation D: A Permanent Residence Application was refused 2 years after submission, by the officer stating they did not receive some requested additional information from the applicant within the deadline. This individual complained to me he had submitted all documents to the visa office through DHL.

Visa Approval Ratings:

Some people believe they are super heroes; and they can do everything themselves, even submitting visa applications. However, based on my personal statistics, over 70% of applications, submitted and represented, by Licensed Canadian Immigration Specialists are approved. On the contrary, only about 30 – 40% of all applications submitted by applicants (who were not assisted and/or represented by immigration professionals) are approved.

NOW the question is: How can you Avoid this Type of Situations; and Maximize Your Chances of Success with Visa Applications???

Wise people say that “Prevention is better than Cure”

Without doubt, the best solution is to use a licensed immigration professional. They have adequate training and knowledge of the Canadian Immigration Law; and they are able to deal with visa and immigration matters effectively. Also they can communicate well with the Canadian immigration authorities regarding your applications. Most importantly, when there is problem with your application, these professionals have the knowledge & skill to trouble shoot the problems and achieve positive outcomes for you.

NOTE: before retaining an immigration consultant, please verify and ensure they are licensed; and their names appear in the official website of the “Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council” or ICCRC

If you need help in verifying that, kindly contact me.

HOWEVER, If You Decide To Submit an Application without the help of a Licensed Consultant, GOOD LUCK with that. But, please ensure to:

  1. Read the application instructions carefully,
  2. Fill out the correct application forms; submit all required documents, et cetra;
  3. If additional information is requested, do not miss the deadline; and
  4. ATTEND visa interview, if invited to do so.

*If you have already submitted an application, we can find out the status of your application; and communicate with the visa office on your behalf.

Thank you for reading.

Please contact me if you have any questions or need assistance with any visa / immigration matters.